Our Process

Air dust cleaning

Portable Method - For multi-story buildings, condominiums and apartments (example: buildings with air conditioning supply vents on the side of the walls just under the ceilings).When ductwork is accessible through the vent openings, portable HEPA and/or HEPA type vacuum equipment is used to clean the air ducts. (*PRICES VARY DEPENDING ON WHAT PACKAGES OR SPECIALS ARE AVAILABLE UPON TIME OF BOOKING, THIS IS OUR RECOMMENDED CLEANING IN ACCORDANCE WITH NADCA)

  • The air conditioning system is turned off.

  • The vent covers are removed and cleaned.

  • Long aluminum extensions are used to access the entire lengths of the ducts, while soft brushes at the end of the extensions are used to clean the surface of the ducts without tearing the fiberglass insulation.

  • After the dust and debris are removed from the system, an EPA registered product, Oxine, is lightly fogged throughout the air duct system. This product immediately kills fungus and bacteria, then evaporates, leaving no residual chemical activity. Oxine breaks down into sodium chloride (salt).

  • The air handler unit case is cleaned with portable vacuum equipment. It is then decontaminated with Oxine. (ADDITIONAL CHARGES APPLY)

  • The plenum area above the air handler unit is manually cleaned with portable vacuum equipment. It is then decontaminated with Oxine. (ADDITIONAL CHARGES APPLY)

  • All access openings are securely closed. If the system is sheet metal, the proper gauge sheet metal is cut to size. Insulation is put in place if required. Mastic is applied to the patch opening. The patch is secured with sheet metal screws, duct tape, metal tape, and more mastic. If the system is made of duct board or flex duct, the ten-inch cut out is reinserted. The entire area is fastened with approved duct tape and metal tape to insure a proper seal. (NOT APPLICABLE IN ALL SETTINGS)

  • The insulation in the air handler unit case is manually cleaned and then treated with Oxine to kill any residual mold, fungus, or bacteria. The blower motor is inspected and cleaned if necessary and accessible. (ADDITIONAL CHARGES APPLY, IF NECESSARY)

  • The vent covers are reinstalled.

  • The system is turned on and inspected for proper airflow.

  • The air return is measured for a custom-made air filter. The filter size is noted on the contract, and may be purchased at the customer’s discretion. A good filter is an investment in your duct-cleaning job. High quality filtration is the key to keeping your air conditioning system and duct work clean and protected for the future.

Cut and Clean Method - For commercial buildings with drop ceilings or exposed ductwork.Portable HEPA and/or HEPA type vacuum equipment is used to clean the air ducts by directly accessing the ductwork and manually cleaning it.

  • The air conditioning system is turned off.

  • Vent covers are removed and cleaned.

  • Access panels are cut in the duct systems at specified intervals approximately every 6 to 8 feet.

  • Long aluminum extensions are used to access the entire lengths of the ducts, while soft brushes at the end of the extensions are used to clean the surface of the ducts without tearing any fiberglass insulation.

  • After the dust and debris are removed from the system, an EPA registered product called Oxine is lightly fogged throughout the duct system. This product immediately kills mold, fungus, or bacteria then evaporates, leaving no residual chemical activity.Oxine breaks down into sodium chloride, or common table salt.

  • The air return and plenum are manually cleaned with portable vacuum equipment and then treated with Oxine.

  • All accesses are closed properly. If the system is sheet metal, proper gauge sheet metal is cut to size. Insulation is put in place if required. Mastic is applied to the patch opening. The patch is secured with sheet metal screws, duct tape, metal tape, and more mastic. If the system is made of duct board or flex duct, the ten-inch cut out is reinserted. The entire area is fastened with approved duct tape and metal tape to insure a proper seal.

  • The insulation in the air handler unit case is manually cleaned and then decontaminated with Oxine. The blower motor is inspected and cleaned if necessary and accessible.

  • The vent covers are re-installed.

  • The system is turned back on and inspected for proper airflow.

The air return is measured for a custom-made air filter. The filter size will be noted on the contract, and may be purchased at the customer’s discretion.

High quality filtration is the key to keeping your air conditioning equipment and duct system clean and protected for the future.